Welcome, Tormented Souls Haunt

I’d like to welcome Tormented Souls as the latest site sponsor for this season.

Tormented Souls Haunt originally opened in Madrid, Iowa in 2013. It was unique because you never actually parked at the haunt. Instead, you drove to a park and waited for the “Terror Bus” (a decorated school bus) to pick you up and drive you deep into the woods to where the haunt was. It gave quite the feeling of being isolated.

They were also the first attraction in the area to offer a zombie themed paintball shoot where guests rode on a tractor-pulled trailer and used mounted paintball guns to blast away at targets and live (er, undead?) zombie actors wearing protective gear. Great fun!

They ran for a few years, then went on hiatus. They returned in 2018 and DMHH helped install an all-new central sound system to their main haunt, and other sound systems to their external areas. And a great time was had by all!

They will be operating this year with new Covid-19 precautions in place. You can find more details from their listing page here on the site. Be sure to check out their website, Facebook page, and Instagram.

They are currently requesting molds of people’s faces. But why?

More to come…

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