Over in the Haunted Houses around Des Moines Facebook group, Kailey S. shared a photo of a handout for a haunted walk near Carlisle. We’d only just heard about this when someone asked about one in that area.
I have not been able to locate a website yet, but I did find a Facebook Event for it:
Here is the text from the flyer shared by Kailey:
1478 E. County Line Rd.
Carlisle lowa
Take Exit 72 To Carlisle Follow Signs
515-250-44477:00pm – 11:00pm
September – Friday – Sunday
October – Wednesday – Sunday
Admission – $20.00
Express Tickets – $35.00
Cash OnlyClosed If Bad Weather
*Not Advised For Small Children
text from flyer picture posted by Kailey S.
Please comment if you have more details we can share. Thanks!