DMHH Sponsorships

I enjoy having less work to do, so this site has never had a way for anyone to sign up as a sponsor. It still doesn’t, so if you want to donate to this website project, contact me directly. Some suggested optrions:

  • $1000 – exclusive sponsor. Entry at the top of the list, and logo/name on the top banner of every page of this site and on the Facebook page banner graphic. This is only valid while no other donations have been received.
  • $500 – site sponsor, non exclusive. Entry alphabetically sorted at the top with other sponsors. If possible, also a promotion on the top banner, shared with other sponsors.
  • $250 – promoted listing, sorted at the top with all other sponsors/promoted listings.

Listings will include the haunted houses in the area, as well as home haunts, yard displays and any other related event that is suggested or submitted this season.

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