The BEST haunts are…

As of 10/26/2024, according to reviews given on Facebook, Google and Yelp:

Agree? Disagree? Be sure to visit my reviews page for links to all the review sites for each haunted house.

Did I miss something? Let me know and I’ll get it updated.

Review on Google, Yelp, Facebook…

After you are done voting, please help others know where to spend their money by reviewing the haunted houses on Facebook, Google and Yelp.

Facebook is important since it shows up high in search results. Google is important because that’s what Android phones use. Yelp is important because those are the reviews that show up on iPhone. (Obviously you can use Google and Facebook on anything, but it’s important to note that Yelp is a default for iPhone reviews.)

To make it easier, I have made this page with links to all the haunt’s review pages:

Click here to Review.